Milan. The “Multiplier Sport Event” organized by the Italian Volleyball Federation was held at the Pavesi Centre as part of the European Sport4Rules project co-funded by Erasmus+.
Thirty teachers of Motor Science of the secondary schools of grade I and II from all over Lombardy participated with enthusiasm and great attention to a day dedicated to deepening the theme of respect for the rules and the next through the values that covers the “referee” within sports disciplines. During the intense moment of confrontation and training, the participants learned strategies that start from sports education within the schools intended as a means to share the founding values of sport and not only as a means to educate young students in the field of movement and well-being (through the creation of tailor-made training to encourage children and young people to take on the role of both player and referee).
The event opened by the greeting of the president of the C.R. of Fipav Lombardia, Piero Cezza, and the Head of Motor Science of the Lombardy Region, Giuliana Cassani, after a phase of theoretical confrontation, moved to the gym where participants, Led by the NGO Trainer Mine Vaganti, Mattia Cordoli and the Head of European Projects of Fipav, Marco Miotti, staged moments of play to better understand the values and values promoted by the Sport4Rules project.
The project will continue with the second meeting between partners, Bulgarian Ministry of Youth and Sport, Bosnia and Herzegovina Olympic Committee, Croatian and Turkish Volleyball Federation, and France Basketball Federation, University of Seville, IFSO and FIT, which will be held in Sarajevo on 19 and 20 April to discuss and analyze the results so far achieved and develop the guidelines for the upcoming output planned.